Discover how to BE the Change

Be the Change you want to see in the worldHow to make a difference in a way that supports positive change in the world?

As within so without, so any change we make within, results in changes in the world around us.

“A better You means a better Universe.” Jim Carrey

1957 they a crack developed when they tried to shift the clay Buddha in Thailand and they discovered that underneath the clay was a Golden Buddha.

Jack Canfield relates to this as follows: “I love the word ‘discovered’, because it means to take the cover off something that is already there.” He thinks that the past conditioning has caused “wounds, and hurts and traumas and so forth, that put this layer of clay over the golden essence of who they really are.” Page 147 “Choice Point – Align your Purpose” by Harry Massey & David R. Hamilton PhD

This book is based on the Film: “Choice Point” which features the world’s leading change-makers like:

  • Sir Richard Branson
  • Barbara Marx Hubbard
  • Jack Canfield
  • Desmond Tutu
  • Gregg Braden
  • and many others

To uncover our golden essence we may need to first face, then embrace and finally erase our emotional wounds and fears from the past and replace them with a new belief system which supports us to live our unlimited potential.

Self Awareness and Self Actualization can be helped with Meditations and Positive Attitude, are just a few tools.

A study has shown the reduction in crime when lots of people where meditating at the same time.

There is a World Meditation Day every first Sunday of the month.

What is a Choice Point?

This all ties in with the post” 2012 Shift in Global Consciousness

Gratitude, Appreciation, Forgiveness, Compassion for ourselves and others are some of the ‘tools’ we can choose/use to make a difference.

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13 thoughts on “Discover how to BE the Change”

  1. I have always loved this idea, of as within, so without. The idea that any change I make inside of myself can change the world is simple and powerful at the same time. This sounds like a very interesting film, I will make sure to watch it. Thank you Yorinda.


  2. Change starts with being completely open, being open one must give up all they think they know. Like they said in the trailer we make choices all the time and we have the ability to choose powerfully every step of the way.

    There are consequences for the choices we make. We, an no one else, take responsibility for the things we choose. Too many people are unwilling to do that and that’s a sad loss.

    We must “Be the Change” today and now. Choose wisely.



    1. Thank you, Rick, for your emphasis on our personal responsibility to make the choice to change. And thank you, Yorinda for sharing the power that right choices can make in our lives. We face hundreds of choice points during the course of a week. It’s important to think about where our choices are taking us.


  3. Yorinda,
    Yes, we do have the ability to change ourselves. But, we have to WANT to. We need a big enough motivator to say enough is enough. And then it helps to have the tools to make the change. Once that is accomplished, then you have to stay motivated for the long haul.
    I believe that with God’s help ANYTHING is possible. Even changing or doing anything in life if you want to bad enough!

    Tom Burt


  4. Thank You Yorinda,
    Really enjoyed the video, I see that we all have the choices, but do most have the desire to make the right choices or we we even know what the right choice maybe, Has a personal point, The film sound like it will be very good
    Thank you


  5. Changing your way to become more positive is a must. You can become accepting, yet eager to try again at things you may have failed. It does start with a choice.


  6. Wonderful subject Yorinda! I’ve been a fan of Jack Canfield’s for years and I so agree with the importance of clearing out old baggage to free ourselves to discover a better future. Thanks for the inspiration!


  7. Hi Yorinda,

    Wow! This video is very powerful. It has given me a lot to think about. The quote, “To uncover our golden essence we may need to first face, then embrace and finally erase our emotional wounds and fears from the past and replace them with a new belief system which supports us to live our unlimited potential.” The difficult part is that people generally do not change their belief systems and a lot of people do not have the self actualization that they have unlimited potential! This is a challenging task, but those who understand and create their own internal changes may be able to spread the word, the way you are! It should be interesting to see what the future unfolds!

    Raena Lynn


  8. Yorinda,

    I love this statement. “To uncover our golden essence we may need to first face, then embrace and finally erase our emotional wounds and fears from the past and replace them with a new belief system which supports us to live our unlimited potential.”

    So many people choose to avoid facing those early wounds and fears from the past. They may appear to be doing fine for years and then life changes force them to be confronted by their past and their fears. Those who have done the inner work are prepared. Those who haven’t can be blindsided and devastated later in life. I’d rather face it early and enjoy the coming years.


  9. Enjoyed the video, very inspirational! It is up to us to start making a change. It may be difficult at the beginning, but we must be positive and believe that anything is possible. Having a positive outlook in life can be the change we are looking for and the success we are waiting to happen.


  10. Wow Yorinda, that is so powerful! I have listened to this and pondered it before:“To uncover our golden essence we may need to first face, then embrace and finally erase our emotional wounds and fears from the past and replace them with a new belief system which supports us to live our unlimited potential.”
    Thank you for bringing it to my attention again. I think sometimes ideas are so bold in their essence that we have to sit with them and grow with them to evolve as people and a society, but well worth the the changes and wounds to face.


  11. Yorinda,

    I almost forget to come back here to thank you for the introduction to the Choice Point Movement. There is a wonderful attraction to people who see the future in positive and uplifting terms. We all have a say so in how it turns out. Thank you.



  12. The example of the golden Buddha symbolizing our golden essence the one that is behind the layers of fear and beliefs is a great example, thank you Yourinda this post is very helpful to those that want to change and make a difference.


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